Wall Street News Desk is not an Investment Advisor. Our goal is to keep a pulse on the financial markets, gather the latest news and information about the various investment instruments, products and diversification strategies that are being used on Wall Street and elsewhere, and present the research findings in a format that is digestible to the average investor.
Thanks to financial and technological innovation over the past decade, many new products and investment management platforms now provide numerous options to affluent investors. However, for the average investor who wants to turn to the markets to help him buy a home, send his or her children to college, prepare for retirement, etc., knowing which path to take can be an intimidating endeavor.
Finding the right information takes time, and understanding it, takes even longer. While we cannot tell anyone what to invest in, at Wall Street News Desk our goal is to peel back a few layers of the financial market “onion” and help the individual investor make more informed investing decisions. We hope the unbiased information that we post will help average investors evaluate their options and protect themselves against fraud or abuse.
Ricardo Lesperance is a licensed Attorney with a keen interest in Securities Law. He follows closely the markets for traditional financial securities such as stocks, bonds, currencies, options and derivatives, as well as recent developments in the markets for digital assets such as Bitcoin and its progenies. Ricardo is also very interested in Privacy and Cybersecurity Law, particularly in the gatekeeping role that strong Cybersecurity Laws and Policies can play in protecting global Financial Markets. That practice area is particularly relevant in light of the changing investment landscape, as investors continue to embrace cryptocurrencies and all of their risks, as viable investment instruments.
E-mail: info@wallstreetnewsdesk.com